Chuggers - Comedy Series
Marcus has Directed various series for TV and online including award winning comedy 'Chuggers'. Written by and Starring comedians Matt Ralph and Lee Griffiths (Matt and Lee will feature in the UK version of Impractical Jokers released in 2016), the series follows Darryl (new, innocent, dumb) and Ian (experienced, delusional, dumb) as they struggle daily, to stay positive, avoid abuse and most importantly hit targets. From signing up homeless people for direct debits to undercutting other charities with 50% off deals, these guys will stop at nothing to get that £5 a month with sometimes catastrophic, usually morally wrong and always very funny consequences.
Find a selction of the 21 episodes available here.
Coming in late 2016, this new 4 part drama series follows 4 best friends after an accident sees one of their boyfriends killed. A new unit has been to sent to clean up an estate from violent drug crime when they accidentally stumble accross the incident and the hunt for the culprits begins.
Starring: Chelsea Fitzgerald (Call The Midwife) and Andrew Dowbiggin (Emmerdale).
Produced by mini mammoth films in collaboration with Door9.